The Power of Signs and Wonders

Devotional Contributor: Allan Thrush

“When Paul and Barnabas arrived at Iconium, the same thing happened there (ie. as had happened everywhere Paul visited). They went. . .and preached. . .with such power that a large crowd of both Jews and non-Jews believed. Some of the Jews refused to believe. . .yet Paul and Barnabas stayed. . .and they backed up their message of grace with miracles, signs and wonders, performed by the apostles. . .” Acts 14: 1-3 (TPT).

Oh, the power of miracles, signs and wonders!!! Everywhere Paul visited, he demonstrated the miraculous of the Lord. People always responded to his message and the demonstrations of healings, signs and wonders! The effect of what does happen, and then what people see when miracles occur, can and DOES HAVE unbelievable effects on people who witness or hear about what God has done.

Several months ago, our family witnessed and experienced a miraculous healing in my wife’s foot (plantar fasciitis). But first, let me backtrack to last Christmas of 2022. For many years now, our family (8 adults and 8 grandkids), write out on a piece of paper prayer requests for the upcoming year. We place them on the Christmas tree in an ornament, ready to be opened the following Christmas. My wife wrote on her paper that she wanted healing of foot pain that had been plaguing her for a long time. The plan is for our family to read those on Christmas Day and talk about what God has done and also, what continues to be a need for the next year.

Again, let’s jump ahead to this past February (2023). We were having a special speaker in church whose focus was on healing. We went to church that morning, not feeling that “today’s the day” or having any indication that “today was going to be any different from many other days”. We had been asked to meet in the music room, prior to service to pray for the service. We obediently showed up for prayer time. We are standing in a large circle (maybe 20 people or so) and the guest speaker said to us that if anybody needed prayer, to step into the circle. Lynda stepped into the circle. I stood behind her. The guest speaker asked her team to go around and pray for those in the circle. One of the young ladies from her team, simply went up and gently touched one of Lynda’s outstretched hands. Immediately, Lynda fell backwards into my arms (she really loves me), and I had to hold her up so she wouldn’t fall into the wall. Immediately I knew God was working. After we were done, she told me that all foot pain had disappeared. Praise the Lord!

Now, what did we learn from this experience? YOU MUST go out and tell others! So we went home, and called our son. We said, we have a story to tell you and he blurts out “did Mother get healed?” When I said yes, he broke down and bawled like a baby! Several weeks later we were meeting with the family from Maryland (two adults and three teenagers). We told them the story. The grandkids’ reaction was priceless. They showed so much interest and had so many questions. The oldest grandchild asked if she could tell her friends. The effect of that miracle on that family was priceless and still continues.

Now, jump ahead to Christmas 2023. This is the story that keeps on giving! We opened the notes that we had written last Christmas as prayer requests for the upcoming year. We read Lynda’s note asking for healing. Wow, another opportunity to share with our grown children, and the young grandchildren of the faithfulness of our Lord and Savior. Several days ago, we shared what God did during 2023. Our family knows that God Did, God Does, and He continues to Heal and we see signs and wonders CONTINUE to take place.

Telling others of your healings and signs and wonders is a POWERFUL INFLUENCER!


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